1. have you checked out Consumer Reports magazine/website?
    They recently (last few months) had an article on bag less vacuums.
    The Dyson didn’t rate well in their opinion/study. I am not remembering what it was that rated well. You can check to see If your local library has the magazine and thumb through that.

    I have a Dyson. I have had problems with it – We’ve had it for 4 years and the hose has had to be replaced and the "unbreakable" plastic on the canister has broken and needs replacing.
    We do like our Dyson but cheaper and comparable models have come out in the last year or so.

  2. I’ve seen a couple of reviews on television, The Shopping Bags was the most recent, and the Dyson was rated very highly for about $600. We’re thinking of getting one on our next place rather than installling a built-in. Then when we move, we can take it with us.

  3. If your talking about uprights. DYSON DYSON DYSON. I work at sears and Dyson is the top of the line when it comes to vaccumes. They produce about 100k times the force of gravity int her chamber. They use root 8 cyclone thechnology wich moves the Air inside the vac to about 150k mph, thev NEVER lose suction and the get up more dirt than some of your more expensice kenmore models. for mor info go to http://www.sears.com and search Dyson.


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