My vacuum cleaner makes a loud hissing noise, can anyone tell me what


its a bagless cylinder vacuum. there’s no noise when i turn it on, then in about 4-5 seconds, it starts making this loud hissing noise. i also think the suction is affected as a result.


  1. it could also be a small piece of paper or cellophane stuck in the hose. Try removing the belt and beater assembly and exploring the underneath area for clogs and removing the hose and make sure there is nothing stuck in there. If it is all clear, remove the filter and clean according to your manual’s instructions. Good luck

  2. Sounds like an air leak. Hold a lit match or candle all around the machine and look for any place where the flame is being sucked in (or blown out).

  3. Make sure the dirt cup is properly attached. One time I was vacuuming, and hit the lever that unlocks the dirt cup on our coffee table, and the vacuum started making a hissing noise.

  4. hissing is a sign of
    VACCUME LEAK check that the cup seals properly and is not missing any seals
    OBSTRUCTION if you have a hose make sure there are no bobby pins or other junk in the hose\tube area.


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