I bought a new one and my problem is still there!
The whole outside is covered in dust and dirt, everytime I empty the canister dust/dirt goes everywhere, the vacuum is 3 months old but looks like its 50 years old with all the dust on the outsude!
Am I using it wrong? What to do?
I’ve had the same Hoover vacuum for 17 years and have never had a problem with it. I recommend getting a Hoover with the bags and cut your losses. The Hoovers are made to last and having the bag is much better than bagless. And they are relatively inexpensive. Maybe you could get a refund or store credit for the bad vacuum?
If that’s your baby on your avatar, you are truly blessed. She is absolutely stunning!
As to the being covered with dust constantly, if you’ve noticed a distinct difference in the way it picks up recently, it’s possible something is plugging the dirt passages to the cup. If that happens, and it’s quite common, then the dirt flies up around the agitator housing and doesn’t get pulled up the chute and lays on the vacuum itself, or drops back into the carpet. As to the dirt flying around when you dump it, that’s the whole reason throwaway bags were invented some 40 odd years ago. Before that the dirt was collected in a cloth bag, until it started weeping dirt out through the pores of the material and then it was time to take it outside and shake it out. Enough women got tired enough of that function that they put up a stink to the manufacturers and eventually someone came up with this nice neat bag that would hold the dirt and could be easily removed, thrown away and replaced with a nice fresh one every so often. What most folks who buy these new bagless machines soon discover is that the filters that are necessary to keep most of the dirt that was trapped in the bag from flying all over in a normal properly working vac, are as expensive or more expensive than the bags they so hated to have to buy and replace. I have ladies bringing them into the shop constantly and just giving them to me to throw away.