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Tag: dirt devil

What do these vacuum settings mean?

I've been using a vacuum cleaner but haven't known which setting to use. I vacuum my carpet (obviously) which I can't tell if it...

Which vacuum cleaner is the best?

I have a 2 vacuum cleaners, and I HATE them both! One works okay, but the suction on the hand tool sucks (that one...

Cleaning performance number on dirt devil vacuum good?

Hi, I'm looking to purchase an inexpensive vacuum cleaner. I went to Wal-Mart earlier and looked at their selection of vacuums, and came across...

My Dirt Devil bagless makes a loud squealing noise when I...

I bought my dirt devil last year and was very pleased with it. However, every time I vacuum it makes a loud "squealing" noise.What...

My vacuum cleaner is louder than a freight train, what’s wrong?...

I have a Dirt Devil bagless upright vacuum cleaner that I just replaced the belt on and now when I turn on the power,...

How long do filters in bagless vacuums last?

If I vacuum one 20x20foot carpeted room once every week. How long will a filter last? A month? a year? 5 years?...

Dirt Devil Dynamite Plus Bagless Upright Vacuum With Tools?

Does anyone have a Dirt Devil Dynamite Plus Bagless Upright Vacuum With Tools? Here's the link: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5663746. I'm specifically interested in whether it does...

How long do Bagless Vacuum cleaner filters last?

Hello, I'm thinking of purchasing Dirt Devil Vision vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter. I realize those filters are very expensive....how long...

converting a vacuum from bagless to bagged?

I have a dirt devil that is bagless and I cannot stand it. Does anyone know of any conversion kits available or how...