Why does my eureka capture bag-less vacuum spit out dust?


ok heres the deal, everytime I turn on my eureka bagless vacuum it spits out my dust from behind, i dont know wats wrong with it. it sucks up from the front and then it spits it out from the back. i checked to see if anything was disconnected but everything is in place. HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Did you empty the dirt cup and clean it? I have a Eureka Optima,
    but I’m not familiar with your model. I take mine apart, and clean the filter–scraping out the dust bunnies with a plastic fork, then rinsing it thoroughly with hot water. I also wash out the dirt cup at the same time, then let them dry overnight, away from a heat source. How old is
    your filter? I just read that Eureka recommends changing it every six months in my model. Go to Eureka.com and read their FAQ.

    Good Luck!

  2. Probably 95% of the vacuums manufactured today move the dirt that’s picked up by the agitator in the front of the nozzle through a hose to get it to the opening that puts it either in a bag or in a plastic cup of some sort. When your machine picks up in the front and it comes out the back, it’s usually because the hose is plugged. Check that first. Sometimes the hose plugs because the filter got so dirty it wouldn’t let air through into the motor, sometimes it’s because you picked up something that’s too large to go through the hose, sometimes it’s something wet. Considering as how a vacuum cleaner is simply a motor moving air from one place to the other, taking dirt along with it, if you can’t get air out the back then it won’t come in the front.

  3. What model is it? Four months ago I bought the Eureka Capture (Kiwi Green) and it does that every time. The entire vacuum gets covered with dust. It has a lot less suction than it did at first. The little Power Paw spin brush almost worked one time. I have checked for something clogged, missing, or broke and it seems o.k. I was glad to see your question, now I know I’m not the only one with this issue. Sorry I don’t have an answer, I wish us lots of luck. Maybe someone at Eureka will read this.


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