Its bagless and its less than two months old. I need it to work. This really sucks….but not really.
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Have you emptied the filter? If so, you just may have a clog in bottom. If you have a very furry pet, check that thereis not a hair clog. I have three long haired cats, and its kind of a pain. I have actually used a shop vac, because reg vacs cant handle when they shed. I vac constantly too.
Empty the canister, clean/wash the filter, check the roller belt, check to see if the intake hole is clogged, check the hose for clogs, check the hose outlet/canister inlet for clogs, check to make sure the canister is properly seated in the holder.
Have you emptied the filter? If so, you just may have a clog in bottom. If you have a very furry pet, check that thereis not a hair clog. I have three long haired cats, and its kind of a pain. I have actually used a shop vac, because reg vacs cant handle when they shed. I vac constantly too.
should still have warranty. take it back to where you got it.
its too full
empty it
check all of the air passages that you can- there may be something blocking them. In my case it’s usually a hair ball.
It’s most likely sucked up something that’s bloking the tubes like a table tennis ball or something
there is sumthing stuk in it.
one of the outlets is blocked up this is easily solved.
it may be clogged
perhaps something is clogging up the hose.
Check the belt!
Depends on how old it is you probly wore it out.
Empty the canister, clean/wash the filter, check the roller belt, check to see if the intake hole is clogged, check the hose for clogs, check the hose outlet/canister inlet for clogs, check to make sure the canister is properly seated in the holder.