How often do you clean your house?


Hyacinth Eye need help to clarify doubt about : How often do you clean your house?
This is a 2-part question:

1. How often do you clean your house, OR, if you have a maid/housekeeper…how often do they clean your house?

2. What is your cleaning routine like when you do clean? (Describe everything you clean/dust/wash, etc). I’m asking these questions in order to compare the answers to my own cleaning routine, and to get an idea of what is normal.

Try this:

Answer by Lars
I dont have much to clean in the box im currently living in.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. * Wipe down kitchen surfaces (and sink) every day
    * Wipe down and bleach loos every few days
    * Polish furniture once a week / fortnight
    * Hoover once a week
    * Mop once a week
    * Clean bathroom once a week
    * Wipe down kitchen with kitchen cleaner once a week
    * Bedding changed weekly
    * Towels changed weekly

  2. you can clean your house by using of best and effective cleaning products and if you have no idea about cleaning products then you can also take help of any cleaning services for proper cleaning of your house and i also want to suggest a best cleaning service so visit my website to know complete information about best cleaning service.


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