Any ideas on a good vacuum for cheap carpet?


I rent an apartment, and it has really cheap carpet in it. I am looking for help in finding a good vacuum I can use on this carpet. My current vacuum is always getting clogged by carpet balls, fluff, crap, whatever you want to call it, and I spend more time unclogging than I do cleaning. Please, any ideas on a good vacuum? I really like bagless (No, I can’t change the carpet or switch to wood or tile floors. I soooo wish I could!)


  1. I just bought the Dyson DC14 All-Floor vacuum and it is amazing how well this vacuum works. I bought a refurb, so mine cost a little under $300. Dyson bagless vacuums are known for being powerful and also resist clogging. These vacuums are well worth the cost and I have heard that they last a long time compared to other vacuums. I got my Dyson vacuum at for a really good price.

  2. Honestly, I’d really recommend buying a Roomba – you can just turn it on and it’ll do its thing, and then you just empty out the canister when it’s done. However, I would check Amazon or eBay instead of buying one directly from the iRobot website, or else you’ll end up spending a fortune.


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