ken q need help to clarify doubt about : How do you get a carpet clean?
We have a hoover steam vac deluxe spinscrub. I would like to know of some of the b est chemicals found by others that worked the bestg in those type of machines or simialar to my machine?
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Answer by JAN
I have a Hoover too! I like the machine but found their cleaner lacking. I tried Bissel cleaning solution and it cleans better for me. I also like their Oxy 2 cleaning solution for treating bad spots. I may have spelled that wrong but I believe its active ingredient is peroxide. It comes in a gray bottle. It does say to test a small area. I have very hard water here but have a water softener, so the water I clean with is softened. I know that can make a difference too. Good luck I will watch your question for other answers. I am always happy to learn from others experiences with cleaners.
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Bissel is great.