How do you keep your bagless clean?


I had a bagless and got a new one b/c it was soo dirty and I tried cleaning it every time, I though it was just the vacuum itself. My new bagless is the same way! I am not going to guy a bagged vacuum b/c I just spent 100 on this one.

Everytime I empty the canister DUST/DIRT goes EVERYWHERE! Any suggestions?
All the pipes and tubes are full of white dust….i refuse to clean it out every singel time!


  1. i empty my bagless in the outside trash. that way all that dirt doesn’t fly around. The thing is gonna get dirty. either wipe it down or don’t worry about it. all i do is empty it, i never wipe it down. my mother in law hated the bagless vac, and bought the same brand, but the one with a bag.

  2. I have a bag less vacuum cleaner and I use a damp cloth and clean the entire thing. I let it dry before the next use and it seems to be ok.

  3. bring it outside and hit it gently against something to get dirt out of filter every time before each use. Vacuum and clean mine before the next use.


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