Can you kill fruit flies with a vacuum cleaner or will they


sj need help to clarify doubt about : Can you kill fruit flies with a vacuum cleaner or will they just fly out eventually?
I removed what was causing the problem, but they’re still hanging around. I don’t need an alternative method (I’m trying everything I can), so please just answer my question; don’t post how to make a fruit fly trap.

Try this:

Answer by Bart
I have used the vacuum and it worked fine

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. That will depend upon the vacuum. The key will be emptying the bag or whatever holds the dirt – fruit flies. Make sure you dump it outside so it won’t matter about them.

  2. This may sound crazy to those who haven’t tried it, but I swear it works and this spring I have convinced all my friends and family. When I noticed the pesky things were always in my drink and hearing everyone else saying the same, I poured a half a wine glass of red wine and set it out for them! Within two weeks, ALL of them had tried the wine and it was their last drink. After checking with the rest of the family, they reported the same results. At one time, one of the glasses of wine had the surface of the wine literally covered with the things! Only red wine seemed to work and it did best in a clear, round wine glass. The older the wine got the better it worked till the alcohol apparently evaporated. Now, if it would only work on the BIG flies…

    P.S.. Sorry I didn’t read your “do not” before doing all this typing and I hate to waste the effort…just hit delete?

    Double P.S. I’ll get out of here now and go back to my normal section.

  3. lol funny that u used the vacuum trick. U removed whats causing the trouble but did u remove the smell? cos fruit flies likes the stink.
    i’ve got a lot of these around here and they are a heck of a problem too.
    What i did was put up an incense that contains Citronella Oil which is a very effective mosquito repellent. the Tulasi Citronelia fragance has a fresh and dewy aroma that kills the stink away and frankly it worked with fruit flies too.


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