Can somebody help me fix my vacuum cleaner?


twsyf need help to clarify doubt about : Can somebody help me fix my vacuum cleaner?
It’s a fairly new Hoover vacuum, I think it’s an electrical problem. After I plug it in, it turns on even when the switch is off. Now when I turn the switch to on it doesn’t even turn on, any handy vacuum people know how i can fix this problem?

Try this:

Answer by flea
Replace the switch..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Sounds like it has a loose wire on the switch. If it is fairly new, it may still be covered under the manufacturers warranty. A lot of them are pretty good about honoring their warranties. Give them a call.
    I don’t recommend going in and checking to see if there is a loose wire & either reconnecting or resoldering it to anyone that doesn’t know electrical or electronics. It isn’t hard, but if you mess up where you put the wires, the best outcome is a blown circuit breaker.


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