why water coming out the sides o my steam cleaner?


iloveyou_xoxo_13 need help to clarify doubt about : why water coming out the sides o my steam cleaner?
i have a hoover steam vac heated cleaning. when i turn it on with precvious use the water comes out the sides? is it broken what did i do? what can i do to fix it?

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Answer by Bella Latina, 22 summers
it’s prolly old n cracked, i don’t know if ppl fix these, cuz usually u just buy a new one, ask the place where u bought it.

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  1. I work on commercial vacuums/extractors for a living. First thing- there is NO STEAM involved with these units. The water is only as hot as the water you put in it. The heater only keeps it hot. Also, the first few seconds of use, the water doesn’t come out evenly. The pump takes a second or two fully pressurize. That may be why the water just ‘runs’ out the sides.


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