Why did the new carpet kill my vacuum??


We just moved into a house with a new carpet and my bagless vacuum is now clogged. It looks like the carpet is shedding and leaving big balls of fuzz that’s jamming up everything. So how do I fix this before it kills another vacuum? Why in the world is a new carpet shedding?


  1. All new carpet (especially less expensive carpet) sheds in the beginning. There isn’t much you can do about it, after you have vacuumed it a few times and have been using it, it will stop shedding.

  2. The first answer is correct, to a point. The vacuum will grab up any loose fibers that didn’t fully get attached during manufacturing. This may happen for the next few vacuuming sessions as well.
    Another possibility is that the vacuum is set for too low of a pile…In other words, the vac may be set for super-thin carpeting or hard flooring, while your carpet may be more of a shaggy-style fluffy carpet. Try setting the vacuum on a higher-pile setting.

  3. Dogwalker made some very good statements on what to do….but one other thing you might try….hire a cleaning crew to come in and clean your place real nice and vacuum good. That way they will have picked up al the loose fibers


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