What is the best vacuum cleaner for under $150?


Matt need help to clarify doubt about : What is the best vacuum cleaner for under 0?
I had a Hoover – Turbo Empower 4600 for a long time until it broke just a few hours ago. Instead of getting it fixed I’d like to get a new one. It would be a plus if it could pick up cat and dog hair. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately, because of the holiday season coming up I only have a limited budget and would like to get the best for the little money that I do have.

Try this:

Answer by blinik22
When considering to buy a vacuum cleaner always look at the suction capacity it is the most important thing the price is only a secondary factor to consider. That is if you go after quality

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  1. Try the dirt devil lightweight. I have had horrible luck with vaccunms. Had to buy at least two a year. Crazy huh!!I even bought a $ 300 knenmore that is a huge piece of junk. I got the dirt devil for $ 50 brand new from K-mart and have had it for about three months. I have a dog 2 cats and a toddler. The suction is really good . I would highly recomend it.

  2. You can try the best Dirt Devil Breeze(canister vacuun) or oreck XL2000 (weight-8 pouds). The prices: 1th ( + or – $ 140.00) 2th(+or – $ 180.00). good look.


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